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Youth Ministries

St. John’s UMC’s youth group seeks to offer a safe space for any disciple between 6th and 12th grade. St. John’s United Methodist youth group is an inclusive group that seeks to grow in our understanding of God through fellowship.

The Youth Group activities include: 

Youth Sunday School- Youth between 6th and 12th grade are invited to learn more about God and one another during the Sunday school hour (9:30-10:30) before worship on Sunday mornings in the youth room (309). The youth Sunday school uses Echo the Story for their Sunday school lessons. The youth are also invited to participate in church-wide Advent and Lent studies. 


Youth Group- Sunday evenings the youth are invited to join in fellowship and share a meal.  Sunday nights from 5:00-7:00 the youth come to the church building and a meal will be provided by a parent or other volunteer. We participate in games, discussions, and prayers. 


Youth Service Trip- At the end of the school year, usually the last week in May or the first week in June, the youth go on a service trip to Reelfoot Lake. Working with Reelfoot Rural Ministries we collaborate to serve an impoverished rural community. This trip often serves as the capstone for the school year. It is often the highlight of the youth group for the ensuing year. 


UMC Confirmation- On an as needed basis the youth group are invited to participate in UMC confirmation class. The class teaches the participants about what it means to be a United Methodist and a part of God’s kingdom.

Contact to get involved.
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