The Way:
A Service of Recovery
On a Friday night in Memphis, there is music everywhere. You can hear it on Beale Street, on South Main. You can hear it at the clubs in Midtown, in Overton Square. And at 6:00 pm, you’ll hear it just beyond the heavy wooden doors of St. John’s United Methodist Church. This is music for the broken, and those who don’t know they are broken. It’s for the recovering, and those who don’t believe they are recovering. It’s got a message for those who need to hear one.
The Way was started in 2010 by Rev’d Dr. John Kilzer. It’s not a typical church service; John wasn't a typical Reverend. A service of recovery, The Way is based on the beatitudes and the 12-Steps. It fully embraces recovery in every sense of the word. We are all recovering from something. We all have a God-sized hole in our hearts. Hence, this service is for everyone.
The Way is a service built around community and great music. It has attracted top-notch
musicians since its beginning. For attendees, Fridays bring not only genuine connection, love, and support from the growing community of regulars, but also an hour of some of the best music being played in a city known for its depth of talent.
The timing is intentional. Friday evening is a critical time for many in recovery. When you make your living playing music in bars, Friday at 6:00 pm is its own kind of precipice. And even if your gig is a bit more 9:00 - 5:00, you’ll find that The Way offers a chance to get on solid footing, to fill your cup and find support, friendship, and community.
We are all in recovery from something. When you come to The Way, whether you realize it or not, you are family and "we're gonna love you and there ain't nothin' you can do about it!"