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Soup Kitchen

St. John’s Soup Kitchen provides vital nutrition for people who are homeless, precariously housed, just passing through town, or part of the growing numbers of the working poor. Twice each week, the Midtown/Downtown community is invited to break bread at St. John’s and share from God’s bounty, where there is more than enough to go around. Rhodes College students, as ambassadors of the servant leadership model of their institution, prepare and serve food on Tuesday afternoons, while Saturday afternoons from 3:30-5:30 belong to St. John’s members, various Memphis-area churches, and community groups.


As a means of grace for our community, St. John’s Soup Kitchen food is served to whoever comes, without questions or prerequisites. For hundreds of guests each week, it’s the answer to a prayer for daily bread served in an environment where hospitality is the gospel and safety is the rule.


Groups have already been scheduled for cooking and serving the meals during each week of the year, but there are a number of ways you or your group can help us make our Saturday evening meal a warm, loving, and hospitable experience for St. John's soup kitchen guests. Please consider the opportunities below.

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