
United Women In Faith
(previously United Methodist Women (UMW))
The women of St. John's are deeply involved in almost every facet of ministry here, enabling strong leaders committed to justice and loving that which God loves.

Adult Sunday School
Various Sunday morning classes are offered at 9:30am to provide meaningful opportunities aimed at spiritual growth and deepening your faith. Our hope is to grow in community, studying together so as to strengthen each other as we go out each day to share God's love in word and service to others.
Contact or to get involved

Recovery Ministries
We seek to serve those who have lost their health and freedom through addiction and we hope to walk alongside them, connecting them with spiritual resources to find lasting recovery. Our ministries include The Way, The Way House, Che’s Ches’s Closet, and The Phone Booth of the Spirit.

Food Pantry
The Food Pantry at St. John’s United Methodist Church is deeply committed to offering gifts of nutritious food to our neighbors in a hospitable, loving and dignified manner. There, families are welcome to shop for their own needs through the pantry located in the Fellowship Hall (Peabody entrance) on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays from 10:00-11:30 AM. The amount of food given is based on the size of the household served and is enough to feed the family (or an individual) for five days

Operation: Swaddling Clothes
We provide 20-25 diapers to each screened family of a child in diapers who visits our Food Pantry on Thursdays or calls the church office Monday - Wednesday.

Children's Sunday School
Our children explore scripture through Godly Play and "wondering" questions that invite them into the story of God and God's people.

Care Team
St. John’s Care Team is a group of people serving the church community through prayer, taking food, sending cards, making phone calls, and serving in other ways as needed.

United Methodist Men
A gathering of men in the church focused on service and fellowship.

Youth Sunday School
St. John’s UMC’s youth group seeks to offer a safe space for any disciple between 6th and 12th grade. St. John’s United Methodist youth group is an inclusive group that seeks to grow in our understanding of God through fellowship

Music Ministry
Encouraging believers, supporting the sermon, praising and worshiping God and sharing the gospel with nonbelievers through music are all part of our music ministry.